How Much Does It Cost To Join The Toy Library?
There are seven types of membership.
Rostered Duty Membership
$35 for 3 Months (1 duty required)
$55 for 6 Months (2 duties required)
$90 for 12 Months (4 duties required)
Community Services Card Holders Membership
$30 for 3 Months (1 duty required)
$45 for 6 Months (2 duties required)
$70 for 12 Months (4 duties required)
You will be required to help during a session once every 3 months for 1 hour. Duties need to be booked at the time of signing up. The discounted family memberships do require members to assist at the toy library. Stoke Toy Library will endeavour to make roster information available well in advance of scheduled duties and it is the member’s responsibility to arrange their duty. If a rostered member does not attend the duty, or arrange a replacement, a $10 no show fee will be charged.
Non Duty Memberships
$75 for 3 Months
$110 for 6 Months
$195 for 12 Months
Community Services Card Holder Membership
$60 for 3 Months
$90 for 6 Months
$170 for 12 Months
At home Educators:
$150 for a 12 month non duty membership
Grandparent Hire:
$65 for a 12 months no duty membership (5 hires sessions per year)
We don't charge a fee per toy, so your membership fee is the only fee you pay.
Application Requirements:
Stoke Toy Library , NBS- 03-1554-065086-00
As a member of the Stoke Toy Library, you are responsible for any toys that you remove from our premises and are liable for any costs that may be incurred through toy damage, loss or theft.
I consent to my name appearing on rosters and being available to other volunteers on the duty roster.
I agree that while using any of our bikes, trikes or scooters, I will supply our own helmet, and children will wear these according to New Zealand Law.
I assume complete and full responsibility for any and all injuries to any person or persons which result in whole or in part from using the toys I borrow from this Toy Library. I hereby release the Toy Library from any and all responsibility in respect of any injuries so sustained either outside of or on the premises.